Code for Philly volunteers give back to our community by donating their skills and time towards not-for-profit, civic-minded, open source projects. Browse our community’s project directory to identify where you can volunteer.

New to Volunteering?

If you’re new to volunteering or creating your own project, please check out our Projects 101 Blueprint slides.

For detailed advice on starting your own project, check out our own github ‘getting started’ project repo.

FYI - All our Projects 101 content is open source. Submit your own pull request to make it better with your own suggestions!

Remember, you’re a part of a national community of civic hackers

Check out Code for America’s project page for more opportunities to volunteer or for inspiration on the next project to start here in Philly.

Looking for our Code for Philly Civic Cloud hosting information?

Check out our documentation and github workflow here

myPhillyRising Commenting


A mobile web app by OpenPlans to support the outreach work of the PhillyRising collaborative. PhillyRising targets neighborhoods throughout Philadelphia that are plagued by chronic crime and quality of life concerns, and establishes partnerships with community members to address these issues. The PhillyRising Team coordinates the actions of City agencies to help neighbors realize their vision for their community through sustainable, responsive, and cost-effective solutions. Read more at…

 Public Site  Developers

Cite Club Commenting

Cite Club

Cite Club is an attempt to incentivize and streamline the process of fixing [citation needed] tags on Wikipedia entries.

It works by streamlining the process of finding facts that require citations and generating the proper code/markup to cite those facts.

The basic steps are as follows:

  1. The user clicks on a big, shiny, inviting button

  2. The app searches Wikipedia for a citation needed tag in a Wikipedia article

  3. The user is presented with the specific sentence that has the citation needed tag (along with other text above and below it, intending to…

LocalWiki Maintaining

A LocalWiki for Philadelphia.

Why LocalWiki?

LocalWiki is a new open-source system for creating geographically-rooted wiki sites. Unlike MediaWiki/Wikipedia, LocalWiki provides a visual editor for pages and represents every entry with both a page and a map. It's the perfect way to document the history and hidden gems of your city

Where is it?

 Public Site